Author Archive

Build an inpatient hospice facility to serve westernmost NC and northern GA

Written by Hospice House Foundation of WNC on . Posted in Hospice House Foundation News

Dear Fellow Residents of Western North Carolina, Did you know there are 59 hospice facilities in North Carolina, but none in the westernmost counties of North Carolina, an area of 2,497 square miles with a population of more than 134,000. As a result, residents located on the Qualla Boundary or in Jackson, Macon, Swain, Graham, Clay and Cherokee Counties must travel great distances to reach an end-of-life care facility. Residents from Rabun, Fannin and Habersham Counties in northern Georgia face similar challenges. Our foundation needs your help, donations to Hospice House Foundation of WNC, will be used toward the construction of a new hospice house in Franklin, NC, (Macon County). ALL DONATIONS WILL ALSO COUNT TOWARD A MATCHING GRANT COMMITTED BY THE SECU FOUNDATION OF $1MILLION DOLLARS. Please help today by clicking the “donate online” button. Hospice House Foundation of WNC would both be thankful and grateful for your generous gift. Thank you for your time and consideration of this project, John Baldwin, Co Chair Capital Campaign Committee

Kiwanis Club meets at the Hospice House

Written by Hospice House Foundation of WNC on . Posted in Hospice House Foundation News

Kiwanis Club came out to the Hospice House to hear Elise Boren speak about the Hospice House Foundation of WNC to the group. 30 individuals came out to the house to have their lunch, tour the Hospice House, and have their meeting. Seeing the house allowed them to understand what the house will provide and where the addition will be built. They are excited to support the foundation and get involved. Truly a great group of people! club2

Hospice House to receive a $1 million grant

Written by Hospice House Foundation of WNC on . Posted in Hospice House Foundation News

The Hospice House Foundation of Western North Carolina (HHF) was founded in 2005 with the goal of building a sixbed facility that would allow patients a feeling of comfort while experiencing, in most cases, their final days of life. After many challenges that were presented along the way, those goals have become more attainable – from the purchase of the Dryman home located on Maple Street here in Franklin, to the Certificate of Need being awarded to the foundation, and now with a challenge grant being awarded in the sum of $1 million.


Written by Hospice House Foundation of WNC on . Posted in Uncategorized


After an appeal to NC Dept. of Health & Human Services by the Hospice House Foundation and Four Seasons, the Agency has found that the Proposed Project for a Hospice House conforms with all relevant statutory review criteria and has approved the Certificate of Need application to build the hospice facility in a way that ensures those in Western North Carolina who need any kind of hospice care (home based and facility based) will get it.

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    Franklin, NC 28734

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